Tuesday, September 1, 2009

webolution # 7

I looked at all of the different sites dedicated to "Lit-lovers" and chose to join up with Shelfari.
I have recently started keeping track of books that I have read and also the books that I want to read. My ongoing list was kept in an old journal. My list kept falling apart and I was going to start tracking it through our MCPLD website.
Shelfari is really, in my opinion, fun to use. I can't wait until I have a little more time to expand my library.
Goodreads is another great site. The only reason I didn't sign up for an account is that I felt that Shelfari was exactly what I was looking for. I don't really need all that Goodreads has to offer.
The Boulder Goodreads page was great and I would love to contribute to a Goodreads site of our own.

On a separate note: how cool is this Heathers artwork? Whoever found it, bravo!


  1. Wait, so am I reading Mikka's blog or Nicole's?

    It's so confusing! I must be losing brain cells-reading too many Stephenie Meyer novels!

    Help me!

  2. Outed by a Stephenie Meyer reader...

  3. Sorry Pastrami,
    Stephanie Meyer does not = Heathers.
