Thursday, November 19, 2009

the final destination

Webolution was fun and informative. I really like the Creative Commons and I also loved the Weebly exercise. I remembered from Information Technology I that web design was easy and fun, but I think that time has made web design all the more user friendly. Thanks for all of the good tips and tricks.

Fun sites.

I am new to the whole blogging thing and so even reading peoples blogs has been interesting. I don't dink around on the computer too much when I'm at home except for the obvious social networking sites (which I'm not even sure that I'm that crazy about) and checking my work email. I do love etsy as most of us do and I'm also partial to the site: Ozark Mountain Mini Tack (for the extra teenie horse on my shopping list).


Picnik is maybe better than the photo editing suite that I use at home, so once again I have learned something new. Webolution has been great for someone like me because although I have a pretty good working knowledge of computers and what to do when; these helpful tips and new sites are a treat and I love the feeling of learning skills I didn't have before.

Tiny URL / Zamzar
Very cool and it auto copied it right to my clip board? Hurrah!

Zamzar is also awesome and I thought that it was pretty special that I could convert files to ipod format. I'll have to check when I get home and see how that works.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Really? I skipped 17 and 18? wow.

I can't believe that I just skipped these two tasks. Thank you Cari and yer watchful little eyes :) On task 17: I really like the Public Library Association website (I love common ground of any kind). I also liked the library job postings on the internet. Although I am inextricably tied to this town, and would never leave; it is fun to see what is out there.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

county and state pages

These awesome pages allowed me to discover that my home has more than doubled in value since we bought it ten years ago (yippee!).Also, Brenda showed me a cool place to look up which of my favorite eateries are actually vermin infested dumps :(.

At the state web page I was able to find some useful steps for opening a business,learned hoe to register to vote, and also learned how to contact the governor.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

WIKI Scavenger: Part Deux

That's right, I got 100%. Never mind that the answers are basically in the questions (Thank YOu:))It WAS useful to me, because I am always amazed at how much info is contained in that there Wickie (can I spell it like that? It's cute).On to the next....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Open Office is sooooo cool. I needed this in my life.We were given a computer by a friend and it has some oldness goin' on with it. I think this will really help with some of the applications that we were having problems with. So, my question is, does it allow you to use it as an internet browser, like instead of Windows ? Is the answer to the question really obvious? If so: I'm sorry.

I think that this is very much in accordance with the general philosophy of our library. We are here for the people. We provide free public computers and it is only befitting that we could, feasibly, use a software suite that never cost anyone a cent.

Well, for me personally, Clipmarks really don't fulfill a need. Having said this, I can definitely see how and where a service like this would be so useful. If my business involved doing lots of research this would be so advantageous. It would help to organize any little tidbits. It would be a very good tool for someone that needs to refer to notes or sources without shuffling through papers.